This Quote About What Lavoy Allen Learned From Year One to Year Two Looks Awful


It's been a trying year for pretty much everyone involved in the Philadelphia 76ers organization. Even All-Star Jrue Holiday's performance has dropped off in the second half of the season. You can pretty much look down the roster and check off the disappointments. Lavoy Allen certainly fits in that category.

After looking like a man and making a name for himself in the playoffs last year by holding his own against Kevin Garnet -- and earning a nice little payday in the process -- Lavoy has had a very quiet season this year. The Delco Times' Chris Vito asked Lavoy what he learned in his second go-around. His response elicited a Saturday Night Live-like REALLY?

“What have I learned? I mean, what have I learned? That’s a good question,” Allen said the other day.


“Uhh, nothing really,” he said. “I didn’t have to do any rookie duties this year, so that’s good, I guess.”

I guess.

>>Lavoy Allen has learned little from Sophomore slump with Sixers [Delco Times]

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